Now that you are programming a bunch and are learning new stuff all the time,
you're going to want to start developing good habits while writing software.
Version control is something you should start using while you continue to
learn and build new projects.
Version Control
Version control software allows you to keep track of different versions of
files, and also facilitates collaboration with others. If you were working on
a software project and you changed some of your code, it might break some
other part of your software that it interacts with. In this case, you might
want to revert the broken code back to the way it was before, when it worked
just fine. Version control makes this manageable. Version control software
also makes it manageable to collaborate with other people on the same code.
You can see who made what changes to the software, what they changed, and
when they changed it. Software projects consist of source code files and various
additional files. Version control tools let you keep track of all of it.
GitHub is a website where people can put their code. It works with the git
version control system. While using git with a project, you can keep your
project on your GitHub account, and upload your work when you want with a shell
command. You can work offline and save your work, then when you have an
Internet connection again you can upload your work to GitHub if you want. It's
a huge platform with millions of people using it.
If an idea for a software project pops into your head some day, there is a
decent chance that someone has written it already, and there is a decent chance
it is on GitHub. There is so much material there. Repositories on GitHub
usually have a license associated with them, so you can see what you can and
can't do with a particular repository's code. You can download the project with
a shell command and start using the software immediately if it is publicly
available on GitHub. So go make a GitHub account and mess around with stuff.
It's fun.
So if you've gone through all this and started programming a bit, you're off to
a decent start. The only thing left to do is become better and continue to
learn and improve.